We are upside down on our home. So many Americans are. Our problem stemmed from Mr. going on disability last year. There was a delay in income, and we were not able to pay the mortgage. Apparently, you can't just not pay for a couple months and start paying again. We have been trying to do a loan modification. Of course it is with BofA and it's a royal pain in the ass. Mr. has a plan, and I don't like it. I don't want any part of it.
The disability was due to Mr. having some type of 'episode' in which he could hardly move or talk or comprehend anything. One time in the ER, he could not move his body at all. His muscles were rigid. The doctor tried to bend his legs and got annoyed with Mr. when he wouldn't move. Mr. tried to tell Doc that he couldn't help it. I don't know if Doc took him seriously. I talked about that incident at my bipolar support group and was told that Mr. had gone catatonic. Mr. was put into IOP (intensive outpatient program) for six weeks. Hence..the disability. Mr. was anxious, unfocused, had leg muscle problems. He tuned out more that usual (if that's even possible) I worked my cafe job. I took care of the kids. I tried to be as gentle around Mr as possible. Mr. blamed the medication he was on. Antidepressants. They can cause problems for many people. At one point, Mr. went suicidal. He left the house while I was in the shower and headed for the railroad tracks. He left his keys, his cell phone, his wallet but took his driver's license. I called friends, I called the police. I was scared. I pulled The Teen from school to stay with Little Man while I looked. Many police officers arrived. Srgt Faulkner was awesome! He was compassionate, but honest. He read the suicide note I had found in Mr's journal and told me is was frightening. The possibility that Mr was suicidal was extremely high. He actually told me to prepare. He took to The Teen which was nice. i Called his therapist and left voice mail. I called my therapist and left voice mail. Eventually the hospital called. Mr. had checked himself in. Relief abound! Officer Cooper went to the hospital to meet Mr. and recommend a 72 hour hold. I went to see Mr. He asked me to go home and prepare him for the 72 hour hold he was willing to be committed to. I went home and did that. My sister drover up to be with me. Friends had gathered but gone home when Mr. was reported safe. I was able to sleep. In the morning, I prepared for meeting Mr at the mental facility. Then I got a phone call. Mr was being released from the ER. he would not be going on 72 hour hold. "WHAT?" I met Mr. at the hospital and was aggravated by the fact that no one called me to see if I felt comfortable with him home. No one asked if I felt like I could keep him safe. I became so angry that I had security called on my to escort me off campus. I was still yelling as I walked through the parking lot. I was told that I needed to listen to them and leave or face being arrested. I turned and said " I am leaving. I AM listening to you! No body is listening to me! No body asked if I was ok with him coming home! Did you know that he had been admitted previously for suicidal thoughts? Did you know that he left the house while I was in the shower? Did you know that he left a suicide note? " The doctor admitted that he did not. I said..." Well, you would have, IF YOU HAD TALKED TO ME!" The doctor reiterated that Mr seemed to be in his right mind. I was sure he was no longer suicidal. He was safe... I left. There was nothing else to say. As Mr got up from his viewing spot on a wall, hearing all I had said, he walked ahead of me and said that I could just drop him off somewhere. "Don't be ridiculous" I told him. Then Little Man's teacher called. He was having a hard emotional day and his teacher was asking if I could help calm him down. I did. Then took Mr home. He had a psych appointment alter that day and asked if I would like to attend. I said "Of course". On our way, I had him stop at my work so I could tell my boss I couldn't work my shift that night. He was very understanding. Mr, not so much. He didn't understand why I felt the need to baby sit him. I said I didn't think it was fair to leave The Teen home with him, as The Teen was very scared and worried. As was I. Mr became almost enraged. I didn't want him home because I don't love him. Why couldn't I believe that he is in his right min? "Because you are claiming I don't love you. That I don't care about you, that I don't want you in the house. And though I understand why it seems I don't WANT you in the house, it is that I don't feel like you are safe. That's why I can't believe you are in your right mind" All kinds of horrible things were said while he was "in his right mind" He didn't understand that I was having a hard time accepting that in lest than 24 hours he went from walking to the railroad tracks to end his life... to being perfectly emotionally and mentally stable. He didn't understand why I was still scared. He blamed his drugs.
At the appointment he went in, I was kept out. Then I was invited in and told "Though we believe he is safe, we also know he is really fragile. You need to do your best to avoid stress, be reassuring" Be there for him. I felt too responsible for his well being to ask the hard questions. So we left. Later that day, I called his therapist and asked if she knew he had been admitted for suicidal thoughts before. No, she replied. Were you aware he had written a suicide note? No, she replied. Of course not, because no one talked to me. No one asked me what I knew or how I felt. My kids were scared. The Teen understood what was going on, he was old enough, aware enough. Little Man, well he is first grade in a CH room. Communicatively Handicapped room. He saw all the police cars and their officers at our house. He was taken to my BFF's house so he wasn't there for all of it. He didn't know what was happening, but he knew there was extra stress in the house.
After I called Mr's therapist, she contacted him and told him of my concerns. He knew them already, I had screamed them at the doctors in the ER. Mr sat with me and asked again why I couldn't just let it go. I told him that my world had come crashing down around me. It was going to take a little time to rebuild it. I told him that he had been getting worse and worse emotionally, and because of his Asperger's and his inability/lack of desire to share anything like that with me, I had no idea it was happening. I felt guilty. But I was also angry at the Asperger's. I was terrified that if it happened again. To which he again said it won't it was just the medication... I would never know if he was getting sick again. He never changes. He gets upset, sure, but we all do. But when his mind is racing with negativity, he will never express it. Will never be able to. It's been six month since he walked away to find his death. I haven't healed fully yet. I don't know that I ever will.